The Basic Recipe for Grass Butter

If you want to hold on to grass butter and the goodies you make with it for a longer period of time, it is best to use clarified butter (also known as brown butter). Clarified butter is also recommended for persons suffering from lactose intolerance, a condition that is becoming increasingly common. Normal butter can be used, of course, as long as you don't have any health problems and plan to eat the baked goods reasonably quickly.

If you have a bit of time and patience, you can make clarified butter yourself. First warm up normal butter in a pot. When the butter starts to foam up, skim off the foam with a perforated spoon. Repeat this process until no more foam rises to the surface and the rest of the water evaporates.

For the person who is short on time, pre-made clarified butter is sold in Asian grocery stores as Ghee. It can also sometimes be found in the supermarket as butterfat.

To process the grass butter, melt the butter in a pot, add the dried and finely pulverized grass, and bring it to a low boil over a small flame for at least 13 minutes.

Personally, I only use the buds and the leaves. I separate them from the stems beforehand. You can cook other parts of the plant in the butter, as long as you filter it through a sieve or a towel afterwards. It's a matter of opinion and taste as well as a question of time.

In a refrigerator or freezer, grass butter stays fresh for a very long time. It is important to keep it in a sealed container. Otherwise, it will quickly take on the taste of the foods with which it is being stored.

General tip:

If your dough is too dry, add your choice of water, milk, lemon juice, or eggs. If the dough is too soft, add a bit of flour or something similar.