Grass Strudel

Photo by Andreas Thumm
It's time to become versed in the high art of strudel dough preparation.
Recommended amount of grass: 5g; for 14-16 portions, 0.3g per portion
For the Dough:
0.875 oz | sugar |
1 | egg |
0.2 cups | cream |
1 teaspoon | vanilla sugar, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, salt |
7 oz | flour |
For the Filling:
35 oz | apples ("Boskop" are the best for baking) |
2.8 oz | butter |
0.175 oz | finely chopped grass without the stems |
2.8 oz | roasted bread crumbs |
1.75 oz | raisins, soaked in rum |
1.4 oz | chopped and roasted almonds |
2.625 oz | melted butter |
5.25 oz | sugar, mixed with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder |
Mix together the sugar, egg, cream, and spices, then add the flour. Knead it all to a well formed dough. Let it sit for 30 minutes, covered, in a cool place.
In the mean time, peel the apples, remove their seeds, and cut them into thin slices (for this you should use a potato peeler).
Melt the butter and lightly braise the grass in it. Add the roasted bread crumbs, mix it all together, and let it cool.
Add the apples to the crumb mixture and mix them in as carefully as possible.
Now the dough should be good and tense. It should have reached room temperature and be ready for the exhausting part, the stretching. Lay a large kitchen towel on the table, and sprinkle it evenly with flour. Lay the dough on the towel and pull it out nice and long. Use a wooden roller to roll the dough into long and wide strip. Keep doing this all the way around, until the dough is thin, and the mixture can fit on top of it.
Spread the mixture out on the dough, leaving a small empty strip at the top and on both sides. Sprinkle on the rum soaked raisins and the roasted almonds. The strudel should be rolled up with the mixture in the middle by pulling up the towel, and continuing to gather it in, causing the dough to roll up into itself. With the help of the towel, lay the strudel on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius.
Brush the strudel with the melted butter and bake it in the preheated oven for approximately 30 minutes, until it is crispy. Butter it again. Then sprinkle on the cinnamon sugar and enjoy it warm. For the real foodies, i recommend adding vanilla sauce or vanilla ice cream.