Lemon Grass Sticks

Photo by Andreas Thumm
Recommended amount of grass: 7g; makes about 130-140 pieces, approximately 0.05g per stick
200 g | butter |
7 g | finely chopped grass |
150 g | sifted powdered sugar |
2 tablespoons | vanilla sugar |
6 | egg yolks |
2 | pinches of salt |
the grated peel and juice from 1 organic lemon | |
450 g | sifted flour |
100 g | sifted powdered sugar |
3 tablespoons | lemon juice |
Melt 50g of butter and lightly braise the grass in it. Let it cool. Knead the rest of the butter with the powdered sugar, vanilla sugar, egg yolks, and spices. Then work in the flour. Let the dough set in a cool place for at least one day.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
Then separate the dough into four pieces, and roll each of them into a 6 cm wide strip, ½ cm thick. Cut out 1 cm wide sticks with a dough scraper or a knife. Lay them on baking paper on top of a baking sheet, and bake them in the preheated oven on the middle rack for about 12 minutes.
Stir the powdered sugar and the lemon juice together. Load the frosting into a piping bag, cut off the tip, and squeeze out wave shapes on top of the cooled sticks.
Tip: Piping bags are easy to make. Just cut a 30 x 30 cm square out of baking paper, fold it diagonally, and cut along the fold. Roll up the resulting triangle. Fold in 2/3 of the paper at the top. Fill it with the mixture, and then cut off the tip. Then roll up the filling end. The more toward the tip you cut, the smaller the hole will be.
[If you would like to see an example of how this works, check out the video on our website]